Кода много, разбираться сложно, но стопудово работает. Здесь приведены две функции - кодирование и декодирование текста между двумя кодировками.
Код был выдран из страницы одного забугорного сайта (ссылка указана вконце), переделывать и приводить к универсальному виду было влом, так что кому помог - с того "спасибо", кому нет - ну что ж найдите лучше и киньте ссылку.
Если кто то решиться привети этот код в людский вид (т.е. чтоб можно было скопировать от сюда функцию к себе на страницу и просто вызывать, удалить все лишене и т.п.), перевести каменты и т.д., то многие web-разработчики и верстальщики, начинающие и не очень и в частности администрация данного сайта будут Вам очень признательны.
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
// ========================================================================== // JavaScript Tool for URL Encoding/Decoding // Copyright (C) 2006 Netzreport (netzreport.googlepages.com) // // Website: http://netzreport.googlepages.com/online_tool_for_url_en_decoding.html // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // // The GNU General Public License is also available from: // http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html // // A local copy of the GNU General Public License is available here: // http://netzreport.googlepages.com/gpl.txt // ========================================================================== // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 2006-12-18: Changed character encoding. Now, one can choose between URL // encoding/decoding strings that are character encoded as ASCII // or UTF-8. // 2006-11-19: First release // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// According to RFC 3986, only characters from a set of reserved and a set // of unreserved characters are allowed in a URL: var unreserved = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-_.~"; var reserved = "!*'();:@&=+$,/?%#[]"; var allowed = unreserved + reserved; var hexchars = "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef";
// --------------------------------- Encoding -------------------------------
// This function returns a percent sign followed by two hexadecimal digits. // Input is a decimal value not greater than 255. function gethex(decimal) { return "%" + hexchars.charAt(decimal >> 4) + hexchars.charAt(decimal & 0xF); }
function encode() { // Clear output field: document.converter.encoded.value = "";
// Some variables: var decoded = document.converter.decoded.value; var encoded = "";
// ---------------- If ASCII character encoding was chosen: ----------------
if (document.converter.charset.value == "ascii") {
// Remember non-ASCII characters, which will not be encoded: var notascii = "";
for (var i = 0; i < decoded.length; i++ ) { var ch = decoded.charAt(i); // Check if character is an unreserved character: if (unreserved.indexOf(ch) != -1) { encoded = encoded + ch; } else { // If position in the Unicode table is smaller than 128, then we have // an ASCII character: var charcode = decoded.charCodeAt(i); if (charcode < 128) { encoded = encoded + gethex(charcode); } else { encoded = encoded + ch; notascii = notascii + ch + " "; } } }
// Write result: document.converter.encoded.value = encoded;
// Display warning message if necessary: if (notascii != "") alert("Warning: Non-ASCII characters in decoded text!\n\nThus, these characters have not been encoded:\n" + notascii); }
// ---------------- If UTF-8 character encoding was chosen: ----------------
if (document.converter.charset.value == "utf8") { for (var i = 0; i < decoded.length; i++ ) { var ch = decoded.charAt(i); // Check if character is an unreserved character: if (unreserved.indexOf(ch) != -1) { encoded = encoded + ch; } else {
// The position in the Unicode table tells us how many bytes are needed. // Note that if we talk about first, second, etc. in the following, we are // counting from left to right: // // Position in | Bytes needed | Binary representation // Unicode table | for UTF-8 | of UTF-8 // ---------------------------------------------------------- // 0 - 127 | 1 byte | 0XXX.XXXX // 128 - 2047 | 2 bytes | 110X.XXXX 10XX.XXXX // 2048 - 65535 | 3 bytes | 1110.XXXX 10XX.XXXX 10XX.XXXX // 65536 - 2097151 | 4 bytes | 1111.0XXX 10XX.XXXX 10XX.XXXX 10XX.XXXX
var charcode = decoded.charCodeAt(i);
// Position 0 - 127 is equal to percent-encoding with an ASCII character encoding: if (charcode < 128) { encoded = encoded + gethex(charcode); }
// Position 128 - 2047: two bytes for UTF-8 character encoding. if (charcode > 127 && charcode < 2048) { // First UTF byte: Mask the first five bits of charcode with binary 110X.XXXX: encoded = encoded + gethex((charcode >> 6) | 0xC0); // Second UTF byte: Get last six bits of charcode and mask them with binary 10XX.XXXX: encoded = encoded + gethex((charcode & 0x3F) | 0x80); }
// Position 2048 - 65535: three bytes for UTF-8 character encoding. if (charcode > 2047 && charcode < 65536) { // First UTF byte: Mask the first four bits of charcode with binary 1110.XXXX: encoded = encoded + gethex((charcode >> 12) | 0xE0); // Second UTF byte: Get the next six bits of charcode and mask them binary 10XX.XXXX: encoded = encoded + gethex(((charcode >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80); // Third UTF byte: Get the last six bits of charcode and mask them binary 10XX.XXXX: encoded = encoded + gethex((charcode & 0x3F) | 0x80); }
// Position 65536 - : four bytes for UTF-8 character encoding. if (charcode > 65535) { // First UTF byte: Mask the first three bits of charcode with binary 1111.0XXX: encoded = encoded + gethex((charcode >> 18) | 0xF0); // Second UTF byte: Get the next six bits of charcode and mask them binary 10XX.XXXX: encoded = encoded + gethex(((charcode >> 12) & 0x3F) | 0x80); // Third UTF byte: Get the last six bits of charcode and mask them binary 10XX.XXXX: encoded = encoded + gethex(((charcode >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80); // Fourth UTF byte: Get the last six bits of charcode and mask them binary 10XX.XXXX: encoded = encoded + gethex((charcode & 0x3F) | 0x80); }
} // end of for ...
// Write result: document.converter.encoded.value = encoded; } }
// --------------------------------- Decoding -------------------------------
// This function returns the decimal value of two hexadecimal digits. // Input is a percent sign followed by two hexadecimal digits. If the input // string is shorter than three characters, the percent sign is missing or if // not a hexadecimal numeral is used, then the decimal value 256 is returned: function getdec(hexencoded) { if (hexencoded.length == 3) { if (hexencoded.charAt(0) == "%") { if (hexchars.indexOf(hexencoded.charAt(1)) != -1 && hexchars.indexOf(hexencoded.charAt(2)) != -1) { return parseInt(hexencoded.substr(1,2),16); } } } return 256; }
function decode() { // Clear output field: document.converter.decoded.value = "";
// Some variables: var encoded = document.converter.encoded.value; var decoded = ""; // Remember characters that are not allowed in a URL: var notallowed = ""; // Remember illegal percent encoding: var illegalencoding = "";
// ---------------- If ASCII character encoding was chosen: ---------------- if (document.converter.charset.value == "ascii") { var i = 0; while (i < encoded.length) { var ch = encoded.charAt(i); // Check for percent-encoded string: if (ch == "%") { // Check if percent-encoded string represents an ASCII character: if (getdec(encoded.substr(i,3)) < 128) { decoded = decoded + unescape(encoded.substr(i,3)); } else { decoded = decoded + encoded.substr(i,3); illegalencoding = illegalencoding + encoded.substr(i,3) + " "; } i = i + 3; } else { // Check if character is an allowed character: if (allowed.indexOf(ch) == -1) notallowed = notallowed + ch + " "; decoded = decoded + ch; i++; } }
// Write result: document.converter.decoded.value = decoded;
// Display warning message if necessary: var warning = ""; if (notallowed != "") warning = warning + "Characters not allowed in a URL:\n" + notallowed + "\n\n"; if (illegalencoding != "") warning = warning + "Illegal percent-encoding (for ASCII):\n" + illegalencoding + "\n\n"; if (warning != "") alert("Warning: Illegal characters/strings in encoded text!\n\n" + warning); }
// ---------------- If UTF-8 character encoding was chosen: ---------------- if (document.converter.charset.value == "utf8") { // UTF-8 bytes from left to right: var byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4 = 0;
var i = 0; while (i < encoded.length) { var ch = encoded.charAt(i); // Check for percent-encoded string: if (ch == "%") {
// Check for legal percent-encoding of first byte: if (getdec(encoded.substr(i,3)) < 255) {
// Get the decimal values of all (potential) UTF-bytes: byte1 = getdec(encoded.substr(i,3)); byte2 = getdec(encoded.substr(i+3,3)); byte3 = getdec(encoded.substr(i+6,3)); byte4 = getdec(encoded.substr(i+9,3));
// Check for one byte UTF-8 character encoding: if (byte1 < 128) { decoded = decoded + String.fromCharCode(byte1); i = i + 3; }
// Check for illegal one byte UTF-8 character encoding: if (byte1 > 127 && byte1 < 192) { decoded = decoded + encoded.substr(i,3); illegalencoding = illegalencoding + encoded.substr(i,3) + " "; i = i + 3; }
// Check for two byte UTF-8 character encoding: if (byte1 > 191 && byte1 < 224) { if (byte2 > 127 && byte2 < 192) { decoded = decoded + String.fromCharCode(((byte1 & 0x1F) << 6) | (byte2 & 0x3F)); } else { decoded = decoded + encoded.substr(i,6); illegalencoding = illegalencoding + encoded.substr(i,6) + " "; } i = i + 6; }
// Check for three byte UTF-8 character encoding: if (byte1 > 223 && byte1 < 240) { if (byte2 > 127 && byte2 < 192) { if (byte3 > 127 && byte3 < 192) { decoded = decoded + String.fromCharCode(((byte1 & 0xF) << 12) | ((byte2 & 0x3F) << 6) | (byte3 & 0x3F)); } else { decoded = decoded + encoded.substr(i,9); illegalencoding = illegalencoding + encoded.substr(i,9) + " "; } } else { decoded = decoded + encoded.substr(i,9); illegalencoding = illegalencoding + encoded.substr(i,9) + " "; } i = i + 9; }
// Check for four byte UTF-8 character encoding: if (byte1 > 239) { if (byte2 > 127 && byte2 < 192) { if (byte3 > 127 && byte3 < 192) { if (byte4 > 127 && byte4 < 192) { decoded = decoded + String.fromCharCode(((byte1 & 0x7) << 18) | ((byte2 & 0x3F) << 12) | ((byte3 & 0x3F) << 6) | (byte4 & 0x3F)); } else { decoded = decoded + encoded.substr(i,12); illegalencoding = illegalencoding + encoded.substr(i,12) + " "; } } else { decoded = decoded + encoded.substr(i,12); illegalencoding = illegalencoding + encoded.substr(i,12) + " "; } } else { decoded = decoded + encoded.substr(i,12); illegalencoding = illegalencoding + encoded.substr(i,12) + " "; } i = i + 12; }
} else { // the first byte is not legally percent-encoded decoded = decoded + encoded.substr(i,3); illegalencoding = illegalencoding + encoded.substr(i,3) + " "; i = i + 3; }
} else { // the string is not percent encoded // Check if character is an allowed character: if (allowed.indexOf(ch) == -1) notallowed = notallowed + ch + " "; decoded = decoded + ch; i++; } } // end of while ...
// Write result: document.converter.decoded.value = decoded;
// Display warning message if necessary: var warning = ""; if (notallowed != "") warning = warning + "Characters not allowed in a URL:\n" + notallowed + "\n\n"; if (illegalencoding != "") warning = warning + "Illegal percent-encoding (for UTF-8):\n" + illegalencoding + "\n\n"; if (warning != "") alert("Warning: Illegal characters/strings in encoded text!\n\n" + warning); } } //-->
Источник: http://netzreport.googlepages.com/online_tool_for_url_en_decoding.html |